Silence the City that Never Shuts Up with Soundproof Interior Windows

Areas that used to be quiet oases in New York City are no longer immune to the noise and bustle of the City That Never Sleeps. Despite adjustments to the city’s Noise Code in 2007, the number of noise complaints is steadily rising; 420,000 complaints were lodged with the city’s 311 hotline in 2016—more than […]
5 City Noises You Never Have To Hear Again

Most of the time it’s nice to live in the “City That Never Sleeps”; you can get a bagel anytime you want, see a movie whenever it suits your schedule, or get in a workout that you didn’t have time for during “regular business hours.” But when you get home and want to unwind, you […]
How Effective Are Soundproof Interior Windows?

In older buildings and homes, single pane windows don’t only let the noise in, they also wreak havoc on energy efficiency. But, replacing those old windows with double panes isn’t always the best solution either. The following will shed some light on why installing soundproof interior windows is oftentimes the best option when it comes […]
8 Things You Didn’t Know About Soundproofing Windows

You may think that soundproof interior windows do no more than block the traffic noise, booming music, and construction sounds from your home, but these windows do much more than block that! 1. Soundproofing Windows Won’t Mess Up the Looks of your Home These windows are custom-made, installed on the inside and work in conjunction […]
Installing Soundproof Interior Windows in Older Buildings

You may think that soundproof interior windows do no more than block the traffic noise, booming music, and construction sounds from your home, but these windows do much more than block that! 1. Soundproofing Windows Won’t Mess Up the Looks of your Home These windows are custom-made, installed on the inside and work in conjunction […]